Does the Bible mandate everyone to foster or adopt children? NO. Does the Bible express God’s desire for us to “look after orphans and widows in their distress”? YES! James 1.27 states, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Caring for orphans, children who need the protection and provision of a family, in the US can look like being foster parents, or it can look like church and community members caring for children in foster care and their parents, along with the kinship, foster and adoptive families caring for those children.
For many people, Foster Care seems daunting, scary, and just too hard. It may also seem that you have nothing to offer if you aren’t prepared to bring children into your home. That is far from the truth! Extending church programs you already have in place to kids and families involved with foster care, can make an enormous difference. Project 1.27 desires to come alongside your church to support and resource you in finding ways to care for vulnerable children and families. 1. Offer Trauma Informed Training so children and youth volunteers are equipped to care for and teach kids who have experienced significant trauma in your classes. For more information, contact Kym Schnittker at [email protected]. 2. Host a Kids’ Night Out to give foster parents time to recharge. Click here to learn more. 3. Care for foster families in your congregation and neighborhood. Here are some tips. Don’t forget PURE RELIGION SUNDAY is November 10th. By Kym Schnittker, Church and Community Relations Manager
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