Countless vulnerable children and youth await a foster or adoptive home, creating a need for foster and adoptive parents. Let God work freely in your heart while you consider this parenting journey and He will faithfully lead you each step of the way.
WHY FOSTER?Over the past several years we have seen an unfortunate increase in the number of kids entering the foster care system. This puts a huge strain on the system as a whole and has caused a crisis for foster care families. Kids who enter foster care need a safe and loving home where they can heal, they need you and here's why.
WHEN TO ADOPT?There are two main times when adopting through foster care becomes the goal. At the start of almost any foster care case the goal is reunification, but that can change. If you become a foster parent and the child you are caring for becomes free for adoption, you may be asked to fill that role.
Additionally, there are already children waiting for an adoptive family, this means their parents have lost their parental rights. The average age of these kids is 10 and many are sibling groups and have special needs. You can enter the process with the intent to adopt and have a child who is legally free for adoption placed in your home from the beginning. By adopting through the foster care system, potential adoptive children are placed with you in your home for a minimum of six months prior to the adoption being finalized. This is to be sure that the relationship is a positive one for you and the child and that you receive the services and necessary training to build a relationship with your child. |
Project 1.27 is honored to have been a part of over 500 adoptions. View our adoption gallery to see all the happy faces!