Back to school is a busy time of year and it can be difficult to get back into the rhythm of a constantly moving routine. Children in foster care may experience an additional challenge as they are starting a new school year in an unfamiliar home, school and community. This can cause a child to experience anxiety, sadness and fear which must be managed emotionally and psychologically. One helpful tool during this season is to create a quiet space for the child to enjoy. Having a designated quiet area in the home allows space for a child to refresh mind and body. This is especially important for children who have sensory needs, mental health needs or no longer nap. Not only does this provide a break from stimulation, but it teaches children a new coping mechanism to manage stress and other big feelings, and how to advocate for themselves when overwhelmed. Below are some ideas for creating and setting a quiet space. If you are supporting a foster family through the back to school season, consider planning and establishing quiet areas in both of your homes as a bonding activity!
Teach the child how to care for the space and use the items in it appropriately. Explain that the area is just for him and caring for items and cleaning up after visiting the space will make sure the quiet space is ready for the next visit.
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